My favorite place and a cup of coffee

 All of us have our good and bad days in our every day life.  We  like the good days but we don't like the bad days. Most of us have some place where we like to get away and forget about the problems for the meantime. I have my place, it is just in my backyard. It is in my "duyan" under the mango tree. After work, I really find time to relax in my duyan and unwind. It's just like a medicine for me because it is where  I regain my power,where I could breathe some fresh air , and  where I could stretch my aching muscles. The relaxation I could get from "my place" helps me to redeem my perspectives of life and the balance that I lost throughout the day. I just love the feeling of being flown by the air to and fro while my hair covers my face- I just fly away with my thoughts. I find serenity, silence,and peace under the mango tree. I could hear the tweeting of the birds as if they are rejoicing with me. I could also see the blossoming of the flowers near the fence. I could smell the sweet scent of the mango flowers.
While writing this, I am savoring the yumminess I could get from my hammock and from my coffee. Hmm, this is life!